Monday, December 28, 2009

King's Men.

HAHA. I knew they were good.
But I didn't know they were this awesome!
Biola's King's Men.

Sunday, December 27, 2009


There are a lot of immature people in society these days that truly believe they are mature. Now don't get me wrong. I'm not saying I'm totally mature. But there has been a lot of immaturity from "mature" people that I've been observing lately. There are a lot of people who need to step back and look upon the situation they are in and really assess it while asking wisdom from God; even if it's just a little thing. I've witnessed so many situations get out of hand and become a bigger deal than it is just because of the immaturity of the parties involved. However, it's hard to call them out on it especially if I'm not directly involved.

These are just thoughts I've been pondering upon.

Confrontation in the church is necessary. Without it the church wouldn't be able to grow as efficiently as it should. In the book of Acts, the early church had confrontations but dealt with it in a mature manner and, in turn, grew from it. This is why it is said that God has a purpose for everything. An essential part to confrontation is humility. I only know very few people that have true humility in most things that they do.

My prayer is that the church (all churches) confronts one another in love and does all things for favor of God and not of man in humility and through wisdom.

i want it that way.

My Favorite :D
Brings back so many memories!
AH! Freshman year.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


So I watched Avatar the other day and it was AMAZING! Seriously, you have to go watch it. It's not about blue smurfs :)
You won't regret it!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

another pet peeve.

I dislike it when people have bad sportsmanship.
It's good to have pride for one's own team, but when you start trash-talking the other team it's HORRIBLE.

Anyways...Go Eagles!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


At work we have a wall of gratitude and someone wrote:

"I am thankful for my family friends, and the opportunity to study at Biola.
Also mustaches."

Sunday, November 15, 2009

i know its not even thanksgiving yet but i cant wait till CHRISTMAS!!!

Friday, November 13, 2009

this is what I get from watching a lot of House M.D.

A wife has sickle cell lung cancer (one of the worst kinds of cancer) but she's pregnant. She needs to get radiation treatment if she's going to have any chance of survival but she needs to get a C-section in order to not harm her baby. The baby, however, is only 28 weeks (premature). Its chance for survival is 80%. Now keep in mind that she has had 3 miscarriages before. Her desire and decision is to hold off one week to at least 29 weeks so that the baby will have up to 90% chance survival. However, if she waits one week, then she'll have 1/3 less of a chance to live. She wants to protect her baby so she sticks with her decision.

All of a sudden she gets a blood clot in her artery and needs to go through an immediate procedure in order to get it out. However, the drug that will be inserted in her body is harmful to the child. Because the mother is unconscious, the father makes a decision to put his wife's life priority over his child's.

The doctors get the clot out, but then she starts to go into respiratory arrest and her abdomen is bleeding internally. The baby needs to come out if it's going to survive. But because of her current condition, if a C-section is performed, she will most likely die. The father has a huge decision to make: either save his wife who has hardly no chance of living, or give permission fo r the C-section to save his baby.

fasting for a while.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


7,000 people die a year from a pharmaceutical screw up.
and that doesn't even compare to doctor screw ups :/

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


To The Anonymous Person(s):
I apologize for coming off super judgmental in my "asians" post. I really did not mean for it to come off that way. I guess I had just forgotten that other people, besides my friends, read my blog. Therefore, my style of writing was geared towards those who knew and understood me. And I'm glad you called me out on it because I believe that the church nowadays is lacking in confrontation (assuming that you are Christian). However, I do wish you didn't put yourself as Anonymous, I think it defeats the purpose of confrontation.
To clarify, I don't place any judgment on asians with colored contacts. I just don't understand why they do it. To me, it doesn't look attractive (which is why they wear it anyways). I do not like them any less because of it. The way I see it, why change something that God gave you; it really is a part of who you are.
Also, I was just basing my customer service opinion on my own observation and experiences. And those side comments about Koreans being prideful and Chinese being greedy, they're just stereotypes. But I do not love them any less because of the stereotypes either. (I am Asian, just in case you didn't know, and am actually very proud to be Asian.)

So all in all, thanks for pointing out my lack of clarification on the internet. However, I still stand by my opinions.

it's interesting how sensitive people are.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


So, I don't understand why Asians wear colored contacts.
It's soooo tacky and unnatural. U G L Y. [you ain't got no alibi, you ugly]
Sorry. I mean it can look good, sometimes. But why?!!?!?!?!
It's almost like plastic surgery! I find that I'm uberly turned off by colored contacted asians.

Anyways. So one of my pet peeves is bad customer service. Asians totally fail at this.
Koreans are the worst [no offense Ricardo]. I believe it's due to their pride.
Chinese, from my observations, are a lot better. But I have a suspicion that it's due to their greed of money.
Indians are neutral. Some places they're great. Other's they're just okay. I haven't had a horrible experience with them yet.
Japanese are o k a y. Their sushi compensates for their "okay" service.

Let's just say I like Starbucks and In-N-Out for a reason besides that they're stuff is good.

Disclaimer. I don't bag on Asians all the time. And I'm not racist. It just so happens that this was crossing my mind tonight.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Man, I've disappeared.
Starting to yearn for community again. Yet I'm a bit too lazy and ignorant to do anything. Don't worry too much though. I'm not depressed or anything. I just need to work on deepening my relationships more.

BTW. My volleyball team is amazing :)

Thursday, October 8, 2009

I really love my family :]

Thanks God :D

Sunday, October 4, 2009


So tonight Monica and I got a "feel better" gift for our housemate Sarah because she's been down lately. We got her an adoreable Winnie the Pooh balloon and her favorite chocolate chip cookies. Then we made a card and signed it. We went over to her room and gave the stuff to her. She asked what it was for. Then Monica proceeded to try and tell her:

Monica: Because you were....
Leah: uh....just read the card (smiles)
Monica: yeah, you were uh....yeah. uh...yeah read the card.
(Monica then turns around and tries to leave - she then knocks over the water jug on the ground)
Monica: oh sorry I accidently did that...err...
Leah: OMG. (laughs)
(Monica walks away in embarassment and Leah follows in laughter)

WOW. you really had to be there.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


yummy mussels. creamy clam chowder. a mark in time.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Bluetooth rings :]

Recession Case for Iphone.

Ricardo Chungo.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Thursday, September 10, 2009



Anyways. Here's the story:

So Alex told me that it would come in a couple of I assume a couple of days to be three days or so. I checked my mail by the third day and NOTHING. I was utterly disappointed. Then after five days of waiting...I checked again...NOTHING. So I was sad again. THEN Alex said that it should take 5-10 days. That is NOT a couple of days! THEN after the weekend....NOTHING! omg. So what happened was they put the order on hold because Alex used his wrong address on the credit they barely shipped it yesterday =_=;;

Monday, September 7, 2009


I'm slowly learning how to be an adult. It's quite interesting. Paying bills and stuff. I wonder how my parents did it when they came to America. I mean they didn't know as much as I do. My mom came when she was in elementary school; however, my dad came around junior high/high school. So it was definitely much harder for my dad. And yet, he managed to get a stable job as a social worker with a Bachelor's degree in Biblical Studies. Funny huh?

It's interesting to see how spoiled we are. A lot of my friends are internationals. One thing I've learned from them is to have pride from where you came from - or your "mother land." So I thought to myself, "What if everyone went back to where their parents came from? If Monica went back to Taiwan she'd be fine. She would probably be doing almost the same thing she is now. B U T if I went back to Thailand, I'd be farming everyday. I'd be way more darker than ever, and I'd probably be married with at least two kids by now." Interesting huh? Not to say it's a bad thing, but it'd definitely be a harder life. HOWEVER, I also believe I'd have less things to worry about. America is the "kingdom of the materialistic world." Clayton McDonald actually referred to America as the devil's nation.

All to say I'm privileged to be here in America. God loves me so. And he watches out for me no matter what. Haha. This is a horribly written post. But I'm about to go to bed so it's okay :)

After I play tetris.

Sunday, August 30, 2009


So Monica and I went to Singspo tonight. The band leading worship was okay. I kind of wish there was a female singer though. It was an interesting experience for me because even though I didn't really sing I thought a lot. So here are some of the many many things I pondered during worship:

  1. Im getting rid of facebook, and soon enough even my blog because it makes me more selfish and self centered than I naturally am. I sometimes find myself trying to sound intelligent and "cool" to impress others online. So yeah. Plus, Facebook is the devil. You can seriously stalk people on there. And it stirs controversy and gossip. I'll leave myspace though, because it's basically my only connection to people at home - besides my family.
  2. I miss Paul Chang.
  3. I don't like worship music with only guy vocals or only girl vocals. I like them mixed and matched.
  4. Do not ever judge others before yourself. No matter how much more stupid the person next to you seems.
  5. I wish people were more motivated to read the bible and pray together than just singing songs and praising that way. I feel like we often go to church or singspo or chapel expecting something from the Lord. Instead we should come ready to give to Him. It's not often that I over hear people saying that it was sooooo much fun reading the Bible last night!
  6. I think it's funny how young believers (as in young in faith) sometimes think they have to do what everyone else is doing to be considered "holy".
  7. I've always wanted to play the violin.
  8. I wish our youth group asked hard questions and weren't so activity based. I wish they would think deeper and help each other in doing that.
  9. I reallllly liked that guys voice at After Dark the other night. I think he was Korean. It was raspy. (is that how you spell it?!)
  11. I think I'm gonna name my son Emmanuel [God with us].

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Omg. School starts tomorrow!

So I only have one class tomorrow.

But I leave the house at 8:00am and return at 5:30pm.


Well the class that I do have tomorrow is Cell & Molecular Biology. Exciting. I'm also taking Organic Chemistry this year. It's supposed to be the devil of all general biology/biochem classes. We will see how my semester goes...

I think I'm getting older/more mature. Yay. Monica and I walked around campus earlier tonight. It was a lot of fun. walking through Horton and around the field and by the Sub was a lot of fun. I didn't think I would miss being on campus so much! But there are definitely pluses to being off campus :) I'm glad that I get to cook more this year though. Let's hope that my housemates clean. So far they're not that bad. Not that great either. But not that bad. [with cleaning after themselves]


[sad because I won't get to go to chapel tomorrow]

Sunday, August 23, 2009


So Monica and I finally completely finished moving into our new house for the academic school year. We painted the walls. Assembled the bookshelf and managed to unpack all of our belongings without over crowding our whole room. Not bad. We actually like our room a lot. On one of our main walls, we're letting friends paint whatever they want on it. It's supposed to be a mural-ish thing. Pretty cool though. Right now we have a walrus holding a kite, a Ricardo Chungo looking dude, a dinosaur, some random abstract painting, a match with flames, a pig with glasses, a dust bunny, and a running bunny, and an alien/pea thing. OH and a norwall. And advertisement for A Bird In The Empire. Yay. Excited.

So I've been super exhausted from work. I cannot handle an 8 hour shift. Aiya I need to grow up more (in the "being able to work an 8 hour shift" sense). Monica brought her extra bike from home so now I get to ride a bike to school!!! Yay! It's a lot of fun, except my butt hurts a lot now :/

All in all, I'm glad to be back. I do miss my brother though. A lot.

He had just learned to walk two weeks before I left :)

Friday, August 14, 2009



yes. can't wait to chill with my international friends. [as well as the non internationals that hang out with the internationals]

Monday, August 10, 2009


Aiya. I'm so stressed.
I don't want to grow up.
Too many r e s p o n s i b i l i t i e s.

Can't handle it.

Proverbs 3:5
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding."

Thursday, July 2, 2009


So. I have no internet at home [as you all can tell]. I miss Biola and Biolans. okay. update!

I'm learning a lot at home:
-Being a responsible daughter. Staying home everyday to take care of my ONE YEAR old baby brother, Jeremiah. His birthday was on June 30.

- Praise God in all that I do. How I talk to others, or even what I listen to others say.

-Set a good example as a daughter of God. I'm teaching the high schoolers Sunday School this summer. I'm hoping I can teach by example too.

-Love others; no matter what.

I miss shopping with Tiffany and making fun of Monica and laughing with Ricardo and hugging Daros and looking up at Nate Steiner and running away from Nathan Yim and watching Rui play with his hair and seeing Ju with his sly smile and napping whenever I want :]

sorry, had to get that out of my system.

[sib ntsi dua]

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


So here's my daddy watching the boys play soccer with his Jesus cap. I miss him a lot. I miss my family a lot. especially my brother, Jeremiah. I've been a bit homesick lately. I've also been feeling down and pissed off too. AHH. It's what school and many other things does to you.
I'm trying. I know I'm neglecting my time with God. I always seem to justify it with something else, such as resting or homework. Apparently I'm not trying hard enough.
Focus Leah!

Monday, May 11, 2009


I am very bitter.

Friday, May 1, 2009


I Love Babies.

[look at his lucious hair]

I don't know why, but when I see a baby, or even a toddler, I get super excited inside and make a high pitched sound. I can't help but smile.
I saw the cutest thing today!
I was walking by the library and I saw this little Korean baby with a yellow sweatshirt on. He's walking with his lollipop in his hand and sticks it in his mouth. Then takes it out. And puts it back in his mouth. His face is straight and emotionless. His walking posture is relaxed and content. Next to him is his father, who not only looks like him, but also has a lollipop in his mouth! ahhh. soooo darn cute.

Thursday, April 30, 2009


Today I had one of my best days ever. Despite the fact that I only got 4.5 hours of sleep.

I had stayed up the whole night before trying to write my 7 page paper and also study for my chemistry quiz and complete three homework assignments [yes, this is a direct result of procrastination]. So I didn't sleep until 5:30am. Then I woke up at 10:20. AH! My chemistry class starts at 10:30. So I got up without brushing my teeth or washing my face, got ready and went to class. I sat through lecture then took the quiz. I was so scared that I wouldn't understand anything on the quiz because I had such a hard time understanding it the night before. Fortunately, it was not as hard as I had expected. Then we got our tests back! Y E A H. I got a good grade :] and chemistry is not easy my friends.

Then I went back to my room to finish my paper. From the night before I had only typed four pages. But that was actually pretty good considering I had started my research and the actual writing of the paper at midnight. haha. It took me forever because I was running out of information to put in my paper. So it was like pulling teeth out for the next hour. FINALLY. I finished. Printed it out. Stapled it. Ran to class. I had actually skipped class to finish the paper. I got there as soon as it ended and I went in and turned the paper in. The class is fairly large so my super delayed entrance was not noticed.
YAY. I finished. whew. That was a good feeling.

I was hungry because I hadn't eaten anything all day. Monica and I went to Eagle's Nest. I got a Chicken Caesar Sub sandwich. I had a good talk with Dimitri and Monica. Then left and had phone talk time with Alexander :}
That was fun. Ended up taking a one hour nap - if you know me, you'd know that I am not capable of taking a nap shorter than two hours. So when I woke up I had a headache. But it was all good :]

Went to the sub to make copies of mileage reimbersment slips. But the copy machine wasn't working. SO. I was heading back to the room. Got there. Hung out with the roomie. Then ended up driving to Diamond Plaza. ahahah. We are oyster soup and pork with bamboo shoots. Yum.

On our way back we saw the city lights from the top of the hill while driving! Beautiful.
Now I'm back in the room actually quite exhausted. But content.

As I was reading over my blog and realized that despite some unplanned things that happened during the day, I was still happy. ahahhaa. But I guess, I was just so happy about my test score and finishing my paper that the joy from that allowed me to overlook any of the bad things that happened today.

But all in all. God is G R E A T.

Sunday, April 26, 2009


So I'm browsing through a friend's pictures on facebook and I stumble upon a picture of a pizookie!!!! It's weird how my mouth got all watery and my desire for this appeared out of no where - all this stimulated by a picture! I wasn't even thinking about it before and now it's all I can think about! Hm. Then I wondered, is this how guys are? Because I do know for a fact that guys are more visual than girls are...yes. I never really understood that. I probably started thinking about that more after the movie last night that dealt a lot with sex trafficking. Well, it never ceases to amaze me just how different guys and girls are. God is so intense [because he created such complex creatures].

Well, I really really really want a pizookie now :)

hahaha. Now don't YOU want one too?! [it was bc of the picture huh?]


So tonight I went to watch Taken with Monica and Richard. Man, was it fun.
I highly recommend the movie. It deals with a lot of sex trafficking. It's actually kind of sick, but the movie is really really good. The three of us left the theater only talking about the movie...and reenacting all the scenes we liked best.

I was very happy after the movie, because I haven't seen one that good in the dollar theater with such good action since Wanted. YES. soooo gooood. Definitely a must watch.

It gets 5 stars from Leah :]

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


that's me.

It seems that not all of us learn from our mistakes.

Saturday, April 18, 2009


I wanna run around so fast and hard that I'm too exhausted to breathe evenly with my arms open wide and free then fall on the grass and roll around and stare into the deep blue sky and fall asleep with the warmth of the sun beaming on my face.

[who wants to join?]

My grammar is usually not like this. I detest bad grammar. Worst run-on sentence ever. But the run on sentence adds to the effect of my sentence :]


So the other night I had the best almost-clubbing experience ever.

[10:30pm] So Monica, Ju, Tiffany, Ben, Richard and I all got into Nate's car and drove to Hollywood Blvd. It took about 15 to 20 minutes or so. Once we got there we made a couple of U-turns trying to find a place to park. We soon found an underground parking garage though. It's located under the mall. Pretty cool :] Well, once we got up to the street, we correctly guessed which direction we should head. That night, there was this event going on at the Chinese Theater. I have no idea what though. All I know is that there were a lot of people and cameras and lights and that part of the street was blocked. Probably some opening or award ceremony. Anyways, we finally found the club [Club Bang]. As we walked closer to the club, there were a bunch of people who were hanging about on the "balcony" of the club. They were all dressed in black-like hard metal rockers. We asked the bouncers if that was Club Bang. He said, "Yeah, but it's gothic night."

"OH." haha. So we headed back the direction we came. We saw some guys that were kind of following us looking for Club Bang. We told them that it was gothic night. They were disappointed. We told them we were gonna head down the street and look for another club. They said there was nothing that way...except for "flaming gay night." haha. SOOOO, we called our trusty friend Ruby. She advised us to go up to the top floor of the mall and find a club there. So we went back to the mall. The first set of stairs that led up were beautiful. It was like a grand staircase that you see in movies [that's the only way I know how to describe it]. Then we took the escalators. We went up and up and up...until at the last escalator up there was a sign blocking it. Apparently there was a special event that night and we couldn't go to that club. So we looked around and saw that there was another club on the level below [it was an open spaced mall]. So we headed down there and realized that the guys with us didn't fit the dress code to get in. They didn't allow sneakers or jackets and such. Basically the dress code was formal. So, Ju asked the bouncer about the club D-V8 [the one Ruby told us about]. He said that it was only open on Friday and Saturday nights-it was a Thursday night.

Apparently, we had chosen the wrong night to go clubbing :/

Well, that was my first attempt ever to go clubbing-and Richard's too. So we both had fun just walking around and staring at stuff/people. The other four however were trying hard to find a place to get their dance on. Richard and I didn't really know what we were missing out on so we had fun :]

After that we decided to head back to the car. We took the escalator down to the metro. The wind from the metro was blowing my hair like in Pocahontas :] ahha. Then I spread my arms and said, "Monica, HOLD ME!" She grabbed me and it was like a scene in Titanic. muahahha. yeah. We figured out that there was no way to the garage through the metro so we went back up to the street.

After that we found our way back to the garage and drove back to Biola. [1:00am]

All in all-it was a fun experience. Not exactly the same experience as clubbing, but still fun. Maybe I'll attempt it again one day. Maybe. I'm actually more curious now that I've been that close.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


So I've been having a dilemma roughly since my second semester at of college.

Am I supposed to be studying to be a doctor? Since I can remember, I've always dreamed of being a doctor. Oh, but not just any doctor, specifically a surgeon. My mom's co-workers would ask me what I wanted to be when I was older. "A ballerina or princess?" they would suggest. "No. A surgeon," I replied. So yes. My dream was to attend Stanford and achieve my goal this way. [Well, it seems I'm at Biola. But that's not the issue.]

Or does God want me to be a teacher and teach children whom I adore? Children bring me tons and tons of joy. The way they interact with you is so carefree. They are quick to judge, yes, but for some reason it's not as harsh. The often overlook your flaws and just have fun with you. I very much enjoy teaching the kids at my church.

So I've been asking a lot of people seeking for advice. Many say that they see me more of a teacher than a doctor. Probably because I am more creative and carefree than I am a science nerd. I've also spoken to my parents about it. They are not against me being a teacher. Unlike some Asian parents I've heard of, they wouldn't scold me for choosing a less extravagant career. However, they'd rather me make my decision soon that I won't waste money.

After speaking to an advisor in the School of Education at Biola, I quickly concluded that I do NOT want to be a teacher. Mainly because it'll take me longer than I want, and this is the first time EVER have I considered taking a different route other than Science.
[seriously at least-I've mentioned wedding planning] I just had to get my motivation back.

Recently I've been spending a lot of time in the library by myself listening to Francis Chan podcasts [the internet there is fast]. One day, I found it difficult to listen to what he was preaching for some reason. So I wandered off to surf the internet. I was checking the HCC [health career club] folder on BUBBS and decided to check out the medschool links. I soon stumbled upon Doctor Diaries on Nova. It's basically a documentary [an old one] about Harvard med students and what they go through in med school. INTENSE.

But I like. YAY. I'm still gonna be a doctor. Not sure if I'm gonna be a surgeon, but definitely a doctor. Also, everytime I see a children's hospital, I get all excited and funny inside.

Sigh. I'm content now. Just got to work hard. O-Chem, Physics, Microbiology, Genetics, Cell & Molecular Biology HERE I COME! BAM!

p.s. Mustachio is for TZENG-MO-LING


To Die For.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


She's cute. Reminds me of Emily Okada.
ahhh. i like her hair.


So I feel like my blog has been too serious lately.
Yes. It has.

Fun things that have happened these past couple of days:
1] Monica and I were at the Norton Simon Art Museum. We were walking around the garden outside and found a spot near the building where we could see our reflection. We decided to take jumping photos. So we jumped around for a while and then a lady who worked there opened the door and said, "You guys have to stop that," in a very stern tone. So we walked away.

2]"Toothpicks are good for tooth." -Mrs. Tzeng

3] Ate with Monica and parents at a deliciously healthy dumpling house.

4] I get to cook at Nate and Soon's apartment and crash there while they're on a 6-day hike!!!

5] Broke into Nate and Soon's apartment [we locked ourselves out].

6] Just realized that I haven't spent much time with anyone else besides Monica these past couple of days. [I miss Francis Chan-spent a day or two in the library by myself listening to his podcasts :]


It's hard. Always trying to please. Not just those around you.
Nor just those who expect so much of you.
But yourself as well.


We often give our burdens to God in our prayers.
But do we really give them to Him?
And if we do, do we fully trust Him?
I think we make ourselves believe we do.
But in reality, we don't.
For if we did, we wouldn't worry about anything.
We wouldn't fear discomfort.
We wouldn't fear rejection.
We wouldn't fear humiliation.

Sleep. That's what I need.
Not physically, but mentally.
For now at least.
Generally, I don't think I think enough.
My mind is so limited.
I need to work on expanded my knowledge and vocabulary.

It's funny how no matter how much we have, we still want more.

Content. Humble. Patient.
I'm setting these as my goals.
I most likely won't ever achieve this goal.
But it's a good one to strive for, wouldn't you agree?

Spring Break.
Time to whip myself back on focus.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


I have been going through many frustrations lately.
I don't understand people.
But not everyone is like me. I'm not like everyone else.

Frustration of one thing leads to frustration of another.
Humility, Lord. It's what the world needs to learn from You.

I am unworthy of God's love.
I am unworthy of Jesus' sacrifice.
I am unworthy of His forgiveness.

Yet He pours grace upon me.
Yet He pours mercy upon me.
Yet He still loves me more than I'll ever know.

[Monica slipped the other day because her leg was numb]

Monday, April 6, 2009


God of Justice, Saviour to all
Came to rescue the weak and the poor
Chose to serve and not be served

Jesus, You have called us
Freely we've received
Now freely we will give

We must go live to feed the hungry
Stand beside the broken
We must go
Stepping forward keep us from just singing
Move us into action
We must go

To act justly everyday
Loving mercy in everyway
Walking humbly before You God

You have shown us, what You require
Freely we've received
Now freely we will give

Fill us up and send us out
Fill us up and send us out
Fill us up and send us out Lord


[I worked 6.5 extra hours this week]
[I ate Ethiopian food]
[I went to an African American church]
[God revealed to me one of my callings]

Monday, March 30, 2009


So God has been convicting me lately about going back home and speaking out for those who do not know better. My eyes have been recently open. I see so much going on within our church that is not right. I see so much going on that is not wise. I see so much judgment. I see so much condemnation. I see so much hypocrisy.

I understand that there will always be these kinds of flaws, because we are humans. However, nothing is being done. There is no effort to try and improve on these things.

I want to sit down with the Governing Board and Youth Board and ask:
-What is the church's purpose?
-What are you doing to fulfill this purpose?
-How is the church growing its members spiritually?


aiya. I wanna go home and MAKE A DIFFERENCE.
but am I ready?

Lord. I pray for humility.

Monday, March 23, 2009



1. The name for a true gentleman: wow, your boyfriend is an alexander!
2. The most ballin tennis player that you will ever see on the face of this earth.
3. Balla with the ladies, good lookin, and fun to chill with. You can't touch this kid.

1.if you say it slow enough it sounds like 'mah nigga'
2. you can use it to greet your fellow black people

the sexiest woman on the planet. never see her without peeing your pants.

1. The end product of an accident

1. An asian imported from China and is extremely skinny because a lack of eating.

uh....yeah. just bored. supposed to be studying for chem -_-

Sunday, March 22, 2009


So I secretly took a picture on Monica's computer. hahaha.
We are exposed!

I miss home right now.
My brother: Jeremiah.
My family.
My youth group :(
They had Iron Men vs. Divine Warriors this weekend :(

What I'm currently learning:
To be content and love God and myself so that I can love others.


Found this beautiful dress at Target.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


As I'm walking to Session 3 of Missions Conference, I see my guy friends at the entrance of the gym. I wonder what they're up to. I see them scan their cards, go in, look around, then casually walk out the side door. I said hi to them and said, "Did you guys just scan and leave?" One of them sarcastically said, "No. We would never do that."

I'm puzzled. Do they have no conscience?
Not only that, but how can they take these kinds of opportunities for granted?
We are sooooo blessed to even be within the presence of such amazing missionaries that have come to share with us their stories of God's faithfulness.
We are blessed with the opportunity to come to together and raise our voices as one out to God.

Taking our blessings for granted is one of my greatest faults. However, it doesn't mean that I don't appreciate them. I wonder, do people look at me and what I do and ask the same questions I asked of my friends as above? I hope not. By our own selfish nature, it's harder for us to be hard on ourselves as we are on everyone else in this world.

Getting bad grades.
Being misjudged.
Disappointing my parents.
Not being accepted.
Being rejected.
Making stupid decisions.

These are some of the things that I fear most.
Did you notice anything wrong with the list?

Fear of God.
I've been noticing many disturbing things lately.
We fear things that are not supposed to be feared.
We shouldn't fear anything (demons, spiritual warfare, injustice, etc.).
The only One we are to fear is God.

Here I am God. Use me. Send me.


7 Deadly Sins:
1. Pride
2. Gluttony
3. Jealousy
4. Envy
5. Wrath
6. Greed
7. Sloth

Yeap Guilty.

..I know I endulge too much in earthly things. We are supposed to be in this world, not of it.
..I am way too judgemental. We have no right to determine what is weird or what is normal. Only God does. Yet, He still loves us all.
..I am not intentional enough. I miss out on valuable and beneficial relationships.
..I am too selfish. I put my wants above others' needs.
..I am deceiving. Everyone thinks I'm smart....guess what...I'm not.

I'm still learning. Getting hurt and hurting others. But that's part of the process isn't it?

I want to get away from the city and sit on top of a nice fluffy tree and smile while being still and knowing that God is God. He's amazing and all powerful.

Friday, March 13, 2009


Flower Patterned Jumper

I like a lot.


Aren't they awesome?

Thursday, March 5, 2009


So I've recently been very fascinated by origami.

Brian Chan

Jason Ku

Fritz Junior Jacquet

Eric Joisel

My Favorite one is Wall-E.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Monday, February 23, 2009


So last night I went to singspo.
During worship I started to piece a lot of things together.
So many things that have been going on that I don't understand are starting to make sense to me.
Then I think to myself, "Wow, God is really trying to speak to me."
Then I realize, "God is always trying to speak to me."

I've also realized that everything in life - all the events, all that stands still - are connected by God. Everything is connected together, because we all have one purpose - to Glorify God.

Therefore, I have concluded that the journey of life is learning to discern and have clarity to piece together the pieces of life to hear God's voice. That is the first step to listening to God.

But that's just what I've learned...I may be wrong : /

Friday, February 20, 2009


I like to watch for his dimples when he eats.
[They only appear when he eats]


Thursday, February 19, 2009

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


I should drink more tea.
I should eat less meat.
I should eat MORE veggies.
I should exercise more.
I should have more self discipline.
I should have more patience.
I should be more discerning.
I should be smarter.
I should be wiser.
I should be more aware.

but its okay. as long as God loves me :]
I will still strive for the above though :0)


Friday, February 13, 2009

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


If we win, we praise Him. If we lose, we praise Him.
No matter what, we will give God the glory.

Monday, February 2, 2009


Can you guess some of my favorite movies from these quotes?

1] "Love is like the wind. You cannot see it but you can always feel it."

2]" You know when I said I knew little about love? That wasn't true. I know a lot about love. I've seen it. I've seen centuries and centuries of it, and it was the only thing that made watching your world bearable."

3] "Marriage isn't fireproof."

4] "Oh, no, no, no, no, no. I can't stand it! It's too easy! The child is in love with a human. And not just any human. A prince!"

5] "I'm finding it hard to care about anything else these days. In fact, the only thing I do care about is the fact that I can't care about anything. Seriously, it worries me."

5] "But I believe in music the way that some people believe in fairy tales."

6] "You built up that stone wall. And it stood. It stood."

7] "My life? It isn't easy to explain. Its has not been rip-roaring spectacular I fancied it would be, but neither have I burrowed around with the gophers. I suppose it has most resembled a bluechip stock: fairly stable, more ups than downs, and gradually trending upward over time. A good buy, a lucky buy, and I've learned that not everyone can say this about his life. But do not be misled. I am nothing special; of this I am sure. I am a common man with common thoughts, and I've led a common life. There are no monuments dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten, but I've loved another with all my heart and soul, and to me, this has always been enough."

8] "It's a dangerous business, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no telling where you might be swept off to. "

9] "I wish we could have had more time together.
We never would have worked, anyway.
Why not?
Well, I am 1300 years older than you. "

10] "Don't talk like one of them. You're not! Even if you'd like to be. To them, you're just a freak, like me! They need you right now, but when they don't, they'll cast you out, like a leper! You see, their morals, their code, it's a bad joke. Dropped at the first sign of trouble. They're only as good as the world allows them to be. I'll show you. When the chips are down, these... these civilized people, they'll eat each other. See, I'm not a monster. I'm just ahead of the curve."

**I was just bored.
Its hard to not be mad at someone who lies and puts words in your mouth when you love them so much. But then again, if they do that, is it really the person who you love? Or is it just someone or something else trying to fool you that they are the one you love? I've come to learn these past three weeks that the only One you can depend on and truly trust is Jesus Christ. You can't even fully trust those whom you've put all your trust in anymore.

p.s. I hate the cafe now.


Ecclesiastes 7

"Do not say, 'Why were the old days better than these?' For it is not wise to ask such questions."

Vs. 29
"This only have I found: God made mankind upright, but men have gone in search of many schemes."

Ecclesiastes 4:14

"I know that everything God does will endure forever; nothing can be added to it and nothing taken from it. God does it so men will revere Him."

My prayer is that I will learn to dwell in the presence of God and put my full trust in Him. Even if I do not fully understand what's going on, I have to humble myself and trust in God.

Isaiah 55

6 Seek the LORD while he may be found;
call on him while he is near.

7 Let the wicked forsake his way
and the evil man his thoughts.
Let him turn to the LORD, and he will have mercy on him,
and to our God, for he will freely pardon.

8 "For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,"
declares the LORD.

9 "As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.

Friday, January 30, 2009


Today is one of my coolest friend's birthday.
Doood, you know who you are.
You're old now...but it's okay, God will continue to bless you :]

Friday, January 23, 2009


I can now feel the world turning.

I need to stay focused on God and His purpose and will for me.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Friday, January 16, 2009


I am very thankful for______.

God-Family-Friends: Alexander Sung, Nathan Steiner, Rui Guo Richard Chung, Monica Tzeng, Tiffany Chan, Stephanie Ting, Ju Kyung Cho, Luke Yim, Nathan Yim, Jonathan Barker-Interterm-Love-Grace-School-Movies-Laughter-Smiles.

And much more.

Thursday, January 8, 2009


My heart aches.
I love him so.

Psalm 37:3-10
"Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture.
Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.
Commit your way to the Lord, trust in Him and He will do this: He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, the justive of our cause ike the noonday sun.
Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him; do not fret when men succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes.
Refreain from anger and turn from wrath; do not fret -it leads only to evil.
For evil men will be cut off, but those who hope in the Lord will inherit the land.
A little while, and the wicked will be no more; though you look for them, they will not be found."

Kev Cia Siab.

Tab sib nos, kuv tsis paub yua haiv dab tsi lawm. Kuv tsua paub hais tias kuv hlub nws heev thiab kuv nco nws. Ua cas yuav zoo li nos? Tswv Yexus, thov Koj los pab peb sawdaws. Muaj lub zoj thiab txojsiab rau peb kom peb yeeg qhov kev phem ntawm nos. Tus Tswv, Koj yog tus ua hlub peb kawg nkaus. Txawm nws nyob des los nyob zeb, thoj qhia rau nws paub hais tias peb sawdaws hlub nws kawg nkaus lis, es kom nws nco ntsoog Koj lub npe. Txawm kuv ntshai los, kuv yeeg cia siab rau Koj, Vajtswv, tiab Koj yuab coj nws ros qab rau kuv. Tswv, kuv hlub nws kawg nkaus lis os. Nro nraim nws thiab es tsis txob pub nws mob siab.