Wednesday, March 18, 2009


7 Deadly Sins:
1. Pride
2. Gluttony
3. Jealousy
4. Envy
5. Wrath
6. Greed
7. Sloth

Yeap Guilty.

..I know I endulge too much in earthly things. We are supposed to be in this world, not of it.
..I am way too judgemental. We have no right to determine what is weird or what is normal. Only God does. Yet, He still loves us all.
..I am not intentional enough. I miss out on valuable and beneficial relationships.
..I am too selfish. I put my wants above others' needs.
..I am deceiving. Everyone thinks I'm smart....guess what...I'm not.

I'm still learning. Getting hurt and hurting others. But that's part of the process isn't it?

I want to get away from the city and sit on top of a nice fluffy tree and smile while being still and knowing that God is God. He's amazing and all powerful.

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