Monday, September 7, 2009


I'm slowly learning how to be an adult. It's quite interesting. Paying bills and stuff. I wonder how my parents did it when they came to America. I mean they didn't know as much as I do. My mom came when she was in elementary school; however, my dad came around junior high/high school. So it was definitely much harder for my dad. And yet, he managed to get a stable job as a social worker with a Bachelor's degree in Biblical Studies. Funny huh?

It's interesting to see how spoiled we are. A lot of my friends are internationals. One thing I've learned from them is to have pride from where you came from - or your "mother land." So I thought to myself, "What if everyone went back to where their parents came from? If Monica went back to Taiwan she'd be fine. She would probably be doing almost the same thing she is now. B U T if I went back to Thailand, I'd be farming everyday. I'd be way more darker than ever, and I'd probably be married with at least two kids by now." Interesting huh? Not to say it's a bad thing, but it'd definitely be a harder life. HOWEVER, I also believe I'd have less things to worry about. America is the "kingdom of the materialistic world." Clayton McDonald actually referred to America as the devil's nation.

All to say I'm privileged to be here in America. God loves me so. And he watches out for me no matter what. Haha. This is a horribly written post. But I'm about to go to bed so it's okay :)

After I play tetris.

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