Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Omg. School starts tomorrow!

So I only have one class tomorrow.

But I leave the house at 8:00am and return at 5:30pm.


Well the class that I do have tomorrow is Cell & Molecular Biology. Exciting. I'm also taking Organic Chemistry this year. It's supposed to be the devil of all general biology/biochem classes. We will see how my semester goes...

I think I'm getting older/more mature. Yay. Monica and I walked around campus earlier tonight. It was a lot of fun. walking through Horton and around the field and by the Sub was a lot of fun. I didn't think I would miss being on campus so much! But there are definitely pluses to being off campus :) I'm glad that I get to cook more this year though. Let's hope that my housemates clean. So far they're not that bad. Not that great either. But not that bad. [with cleaning after themselves]


[sad because I won't get to go to chapel tomorrow]

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