Sunday, December 27, 2009


There are a lot of immature people in society these days that truly believe they are mature. Now don't get me wrong. I'm not saying I'm totally mature. But there has been a lot of immaturity from "mature" people that I've been observing lately. There are a lot of people who need to step back and look upon the situation they are in and really assess it while asking wisdom from God; even if it's just a little thing. I've witnessed so many situations get out of hand and become a bigger deal than it is just because of the immaturity of the parties involved. However, it's hard to call them out on it especially if I'm not directly involved.

These are just thoughts I've been pondering upon.

Confrontation in the church is necessary. Without it the church wouldn't be able to grow as efficiently as it should. In the book of Acts, the early church had confrontations but dealt with it in a mature manner and, in turn, grew from it. This is why it is said that God has a purpose for everything. An essential part to confrontation is humility. I only know very few people that have true humility in most things that they do.

My prayer is that the church (all churches) confronts one another in love and does all things for favor of God and not of man in humility and through wisdom.


Nathan said...

I have realized more and more this past year places where I have immaturity in me. And I have been working on it and growing a ton, but it's hard for me to see it in my own life at times... especially when there are many areas where I am very mature (much more than people would think from outside observation). But real maturity is recognizing weaknesses and responding well when people call you on it. And BFF, I you permission to call me on anything you see... in fact, I expect it from you! :) It is only through honest relationships that we can grow...

Anonymous said...

Remember what I said about confrontations and how it is essential to being a Christian??? You FINALLY get it, or maybe not. Let's hope you're able to help your friends and help yourself.