Tuesday, November 10, 2009


To The Anonymous Person(s):
I apologize for coming off super judgmental in my "asians" post. I really did not mean for it to come off that way. I guess I had just forgotten that other people, besides my friends, read my blog. Therefore, my style of writing was geared towards those who knew and understood me. And I'm glad you called me out on it because I believe that the church nowadays is lacking in confrontation (assuming that you are Christian). However, I do wish you didn't put yourself as Anonymous, I think it defeats the purpose of confrontation.
To clarify, I don't place any judgment on asians with colored contacts. I just don't understand why they do it. To me, it doesn't look attractive (which is why they wear it anyways). I do not like them any less because of it. The way I see it, why change something that God gave you; it really is a part of who you are.
Also, I was just basing my customer service opinion on my own observation and experiences. And those side comments about Koreans being prideful and Chinese being greedy, they're just stereotypes. But I do not love them any less because of the stereotypes either. (I am Asian, just in case you didn't know, and am actually very proud to be Asian.)

So all in all, thanks for pointing out my lack of clarification on the internet. However, I still stand by my opinions.


Anonymous said...

Why do we use stereotypes?

We use stereotypes in part because it’s so hard to take in all of the complicated information about other people in the world. It’s difficult to spend the amount of time necessary to understand why or in what different ways people behave. So instead, we learn early in our lives to accept stereotypes of groups, or individuals. We develop stereotypes not just for large cultures, but smaller ones; such as police officers, Mexican Americans, women, or executive males.

How do stereotypes affect the way we think and feel?

Stereotypes eliminate the challenges of understanding people who are different from ourselves; they supposedly give us a general overview of whole groups of people so we know what to expect and how to act. Unfortunately, so many stereotypes are inaccurate and are used as a method of scapegoating, or to separate "their" behavior from "my" behavior. Remember, we don’t always agree with, or like the way another cultures behave because it is different, and we therefore perceive it as wrong, and develop negative/ugly descriptions (stereotypes). When we have problems with someone of a different group, we tend to identify the problem as having to do with the group, rather than ourselves or the specific person. So stereotypes do get in the way of how we think and feel. It makes us very judgmental about others and unfortunately often erroneously so. Stereotypes prevent us from identifying the feelings that are really go on inside of us. With stereotypes, the belief will remain that someone did something to us, rather than the problem, fear, or rigidity/closed thinking being within ourselves. When we’re stereotyping we get caught up in the issue of that’s what "they do", that’s how "those people" are, instead of being in touch with our actual feelings of hurt, confusion, being slighted, left-out, anger, etc.


Anonymous said...

I'm not objecting your opinions, but be careful. Not everyone is tolerant. Open your eyes and see diversity. In this nation, we are surrounded by so many people and although they seem so alike, they are so different. Be careful with stereotyping.

Anonymous said...

mystery anonymous person, i can't wait until you reveal your true identity

Unknown said...

When people post anonymously it always comes off to me in a way like, "I can give advice and stuff in a tone that makes me seem like I'm above all this shit."

(sorry for cussing on your blog, leah)

Anonymous said...

This is making my weekend just a little better.

Anonymous said...

It's like a whole community rushing over to see what is wrong! LOL This is nice.

Monica said...

It's not the weekend yet. It's only wednesday

Anonymous said...

True, that was Wednesday, but Wednesday is my weekend so it counts! Plus, going into the weekend, I can't wait to just relax and reminisce of this. And no that it's officially the weekend, reminisce time!

Anonymous said...

When people post UN-anonymously it ALWAYS comes off to me in a way like, "I have better things to say that those who post anonymously."
Don't be biased in this. I was just stating my opinions, and the "above all this sh**", part of it, be a F'n man and just accept the fact that your friend is shouldn't be doing that. If someone came up to you and said something like, "OMG! You're Chinese! You must be greedy because ALL Chinese people are greedy." That's a stereotype. If that's her opinion already, what makes you think she's even appreciated of anything? I mean, if she has that thought implanted in her thoughts, what makes you think that she doesn't see you like that? Yeah, she may have said something like "I don't like them any less" but thoughts are 'internal feelings' that are set and cannot be replaced.

Everyone needs a fixing, and you are not helping her by allowing her to pass judgments, make stereotypes, or even whatever she does. If you're a 'true christian' friend, you should know this. Stop being a p***y and step up to the plate and be a man, and call out your friends when their wrongs; not just some random anonymous person who you don't have a clue you're talking to.