Friday, January 22, 2010


So Interterm is basically over :(
It was nice and restful though. Now I'm just going to work and do stuff that I know I won't get done in the semester:

1. Write letters
2. Make Valentine's Day Cards
4. Watch House

Those are the only ones I can think of now.
So tonight was quite interesting. It was a night with the boys. INTERESTING talk.
boys boys boys.
Didn't get home till 4:00am


Anonymous said...

girls shouldn't associate with boys. It's unbecoming. :D I'll let you guess who this is.

This is Richard. :D

pachia said...

yea..what were you doing up so late with boys huh??? tsk tsk tsk!!!

Soujirou7 said...

Darn... I missed it. :P jk.

Anon: They train seeing-eye-dogs not to run after cats by bringing one close and letting the dog smell it. Takes the mystery out of it. hehe.