Friday, November 7, 2008

So I am superbly exhausted.
Alexander and I just finished planning Crossing Paths - our culture awareness event. We pulled if off well, I think. But I still need to get feedback. I can't believe that it's over. Now we have to start planning for the BIG one next semester -_-.
SO TIRED. I think I over-do myself. Too many classes, and too many responsibilities. I haven't even had time to sit and write blogs anymore. Whenever I do have time, I just nap because my body is so exhausted. I don't even know how my relationships are going, except for the ones in ISA council because whenever I have free time to spend with others, I end up spending time by myself in my room because I don't get enough alone time. But then it takes away from my quality time with those I love. I miss people a lot. Especially those who are ALL THE WAY ACROSS CAMPUS now :(
My grades are slowly...or quickly...going down. I don't prioritize well enough to get my work done and study. AIYA!
I've noticed I've not been emotionally stable either. Not good.

I miss last year, when all I had to do was go to class, and then whatever else I wanted afterwards.
I miss last year, when we were all friends and hung out together.

But I know God has a purpose for me this year.

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